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Insect hotel


Giving new life to what is dead and thrown away.

I Used an old oak stump, for the insects to live in and forged the sculpture out of forgotten materials left to rust.

I want to bring back the value that the materials had lost when they were placed aside and left to do nothing. By using them to create this home for the solitary bees.

Luckily other insects show up as well, as the oak stump dried and cracked up, I started to find bugs and spiders. To my surprise, I found some bumblebees living underneath it as well.



The oak has a hard and strong wood. If it is not too moist, it can last for 70 years and maybe more.

The color changes from this light brown, to a smooth gray.




I wanted the sculpture to look like it was stretching and growing upwards. With a plan for what materials were needed, I went to find metal at the scrapyard, where you do not get precisely what you thought, but, where new ideas often emerge.


The head of the flower is an old vent, coming from the old factory in the same town, not changing its appearance, was the way I hoped to show where the materials were coming from, thereby preserving its origin.

making the material's connection to the town visible.


This work is a good representation of what I like my artworks to be. It is for me is important to create work that is closely connected with the people surrounding the work or easy to relate to in an everyday scenarioario.

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